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Job hunt Tips for Older Experienced professionals

A job search at any age is a competition. We're all competing for visibility with employers and, ultimately, for that job offer. Older workers also seem to be competing with themselves, in a sense, because their job search skills are rusty and tucked away in the recesses of their younger selves. Unfortunately for older job seekers, the older you are, the longer it can take to get a job and the harder it can be to get hired. With many employers expressing concerns about the experience, stability, and loyalty of their younger staff, a growing number of companies are actively soliciting older experienced candidates, and that’s good news for those who may still harbor lingering doubts about their ability to land a new role in today’s cutthroat job market.

There are strategies older job seekers can implement to help expedite a job search and to find gainful, and meaningful, employment.

RESUME first and foremost important thing is your resume. Update your resume to most recent. Avoid giving in dates. Does not detail listing of every single position you've ever held. Focus on your most impressive career successes and highlights from the past 10 to 20 years. Include a cover letter which will focus on your current skill set. Emphasize on current work skill set.

NETWORK. Learn all you can about networking. Join and attend events and meetings for associations in your field. Regardless of when you graduated, if your alma mater has a career network use it to contact alumni in your field of interest. Use online and offline networking resources to make connections to help with your job search. Use social media; update your LinkedIn profile often.

APPEARNCE. Update your appearance. People will judge you by how you look regardless of how politically incorrect that may be. If your clothing and hairstyle aren’t current, many employers will assume your skills are also out of date. Your clothes need to reflect today's trends. This doesn't mean you need to dress like you're 20. But try to wear styles that are sold today. Your glasses may also need an update. An old-fashioned haircut or style can be seen as unwillingness to change.

EXPERIENCE. Focus more on most relevant experience. Emphasize your experience with openness to technology and your ability to learn new things. Take pride in your achievements, maturity, and wisdom. Use your experience to your advantage. True, potential employers may send you packing with lines like, "You're overqualified for this position," but you may be able to counter such quick dismissals with a few one-liners of your own. Emphasize your skills and abilities

THINK YOUNGER. Be Enthusiastic and Energetic in Person. Show a positive attitude about yourself and life in general. Focus on your results in former positions and how they will benefit the company. Stress your dependability and reliability. Think about projecting an energetic aura at all times.

UPDATE KNOWLEDGE. Get the right tech skills. Demonstrate a willingness to learn Most jobs have taken on a heightened technological profile in the digital age. Employers looking for candidates who have the latest skills may fear that older workers will not keep up with technology trends. Make sure you know what technology is most valued in your target field, take steps to master it and be ready to share how you have applied this technology to your work.

CAREER CHANGE. Many older people find meaningful work consulting for businesses (particularly small businesses) in their area of expertise. Think about different track of career if you are stuck in same position.

Change won't happen all at once. But hopefully more employers will put value on the experience, patience, stability, and good work ethic that older workers can bring to the workplace. don't give up. It might take a while to find a job, but, there are employers who understand the value of an older worker with maturity, life experience, and skills.

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